Helena Strandberg Konservator AB

About the business


Our activities are primarily focus on the conservation of metal objects, specializing in public sculpture and architectural metal work. We carry out missions across the Nordic region. However, we are based in Gothenburg. Our clients are mainly curators of art and artefacts in local churches, museums and other organizations, but we also have private clients.

The company is managed and run by Helena Strandberg, PhD, whose knowledge of conservation and corrosion issues encompasses 30 years of education, research and experience. Helena Strandberg holds a bachelor’s degree in objects conservation from the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen in 1986. She also studied chemistry, art history, education and sociology. In 1997 she defended her thesis entitled: Perspectives on Bronze Sculpture Conservation – Modelling Copper and Bronze Corrosion at Gothenburg University. Since then, Helena has worked as a practical conservator and

”Diana” (1919) in Slottsparken, Helsingborg. Restored in 2011.

consultant, as well as with the management of public art and teaching.

We carry out projects independently and with subcontractors if necessary. We also act as subcontractors in large works.

We have extensive experience in managing complex projects in conservation in cooperation with others. We work together with specialized craftsmen and conservators who specialize in other materials as needed.

Helena Strandberg Konservator AB is the leading expert in the conservation of bronze sculptures.